Welcome to the Neutron Engine website!
The Neutron Engine is a modular game engine that aims at using a variety of components as subsystems interchangeably (to manage graphics rendering, audio, physics, and so on); such components can either be developed specifically for the engine or can be pre-existing as external libraries.
Please bear with us while this website is completed. It will contain information and documentation on the engine as soon as it is available. In the meantime, you may also find some information on the Neutron Engine on the sibling website for Alpha Shooter, a game that is being rebuilt to make use of it.
You can also check out the Neutron Engine
project page on
SourceForge.net for the latest news and updates or the
feeds, also accessible from this page.
This website is now under construction
This website now has a fresh new look, although it's still under development. Some parts of it are still non-operational and bare; please be patient while content is gradually added and check back often.