Contact information
Here is some contact information to get in touch with the Neutron Engine developers and users community. Choose the communication media you desire and let us know your opinions.
Feel free to contact the Neutron Engine developers directly at the following e-mail addresses for any questions, suggestions, or offers to help the project:
Nicola Cocchiaro | ![]() |
Check out the Neutron Engine forums hosted on; there are currently two forums active:
- The Help forum
- The Open Discussion forum
Feel free to post on the one most appropriate to your question or comment.
Mailing lists
No mailing lists are active at the moment, but check back later for updates.
Bugs, feature and support requests, patches...
In addition to the above methods you can also use the tracker interface provided by With is you can submit bugs, feature and support requests and patches and check their status (or you can submit the same things via e-mail, see above).